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Install ZoneAlarm to secure your devices from cyber threats.
Windows, iOS, and Android
ZoneAlarm Extreme Security NextGen
Google Play
App Store
  1. Download the Installer by clicking the above button
  2. Click Run to start the installation and follow the instructions
  3. Once the software is installed click the Activate button on the top-right, enter your activation code and click OK
Installation and activation steps
  1. Download the ZoneAlarm app from the App Store.
  2. Open the app.
  3. Tap "Get Started" on the welcome screen.
  4. Tap "Use Activation Code"
  5. Enter your email and activation code, then tap "Activate"
  6. Complete the onboarding process.
  1. Install the ZoneAlarm app on your Android device.
  2. Open the app.
  3. Tap "Use Activation Code"
  4. Enter you activation code.
  5. Tap "Activate".
  6. Complete the onboarding process.
Need help? Contact support
For ZoneAlarm inquiries, please contact:
© ZoneAlarm is a product of Check Point Software Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.